Most Important

The kid and I have been here since Wednesday night.  But I left the cats over there until today, because I couldn’t bring the dog and I didn’t want him to be completely alone.

Tonight I have my kitties.  My dogface *sniffle* is hopefully getting acclimatized to his new home, with a kind disabled gentleman with whom he spent nearly an hour bonding before deigning to get in the truck and go for a ride.

I can’t believe I miss that dumb dog.

Writing continues.  Due to the Consistency Challenge (continued through July by popular demand) I have written 100 or more words every day for 55 of the last 57 days.  The two I missed were, rather naturally, the day I went into the hospital and the day I came out.

This challenge is my friend.  I’d surely be going insane by now if I weren’t getting my 100 words in.

No, really.  Think about it.  I’ve been attempting to move for a solid WEEK.  Mostly alone, but for a twenty-year-old Corolla with the trunk stuck shut, and a nine-year-old who would really rather be playing.  (Well, me too.)

But thanks to some Hiro bits and occasionally, when I’m really incredibly tired, freewriting, I haven’t killed anyone or anything.

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