A Million Words

There’s a saying, attributed to Ray Bradbury, that you have to write a million words of crap before you get to the good stuff. Someone mentioned it the other day, and since I was running short of other ways to procrastinate, I got out the calculator.

295,000 words for Eve
60,000 in Donte’s book
83,000 Taro
113,000 Rafe
64,000 Keen
51,000 Damsel
61,000 Joss
37,000 Xmas
17,000 on miscellaneous stories

780,000 words in Eve’s galaxy. Not counting notes or false starts or cut scenes. But don’t be disappointed yet. Flame is 38,000 words. Fidelis is 6,000. Melissa…I dunno, forty some pages not in the computer. And somewhere back there is Natalia (I will find her again!) and Shelly (thankfully buried.) Both at least a hundred pages long (Shelly more probably two hundred…) Manes, complete at sixty pages and so good, but sadly lost…

But let’s forget those. If I don’t have the words in my computer, they don’t count. How about that.

Think that will keep me from my million words? Than let’s go ahead and add in my fanfiction. All 186,000 words of it.



And before you point out that the wording is “a million words of crap” before turning out good stuff–I’d like to point out that at least 500,000 words of first drafts are not in this count. I’m not afraid to revise.

And my stuff is not crap. ^_^

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