
I’m done, apparently. For the first time in what seems like forever, I am NOT editing Taro.

Which means I’m supposed to be on vacation, right? Problem is I don’t exactly know what to do with myself.

Not to worry, though. I’m sure that won’t last long.

I’d type more, but my hands are sore from this last marathon session. I’m really happy, though. The changes I made are good ones, and make for one heck of a stronger story. I’ve already sent it to a couple friends. We’ll see if they agree.

I’m very pleased.  And very tired.  And still in shock.  And fighting the urge to dive into something else, because who am I if I’m not writing?

It can all wait.  I’ve got a roommate in need of packing help, and a dear friend (same person) moving far away.  Everything else can wait.

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