Laptop = Coolest thing EVAH!!

I’m in my room. My lovely bedroom, that I worked hard on, yet never spend time time in while conscious.

I’m in my bed. Writing. Typing joyfully.

Who’d’a thunk I wrote better in bed? Well, maybe not better, but I’ve certainly been more productive these last few nights when coming in here. Maybe it’s the touchpad, making it slightly less easy to wander off. Maybe it’s that combined with the lack of bookmarks stored here, and the fact I haven’t taken the time to transfer them. (they’re all on del.ici.ous, so if I really want them I have them. But who wants to sort through hundreds of badly-tagged (meaning, there are almost as many tags as links) just to wander off?) Not to mention none of my passwords are stored on this computer, so I actually have to remember both usernames and passwords and my hints are on an index card on my desk…

It’s more than that, though. It’s a different, but not distracting place. It’s being able to change position. It’s my candles. My bed. My pretty Japanese box-lantern-type lamp. How easy it is to move, but not to get everything out of the way and then set back up again (cushions, laptop support, et cetera) if I get up and wander off.

And then there’s the indisputable timer of my battery time ticking away, reminding me to save the time-wasting for the desktop.

What’s the sum of all that? Finally some damned progress on the Scene of DOOM I’ve been fighting with for more than a week now. I put it on Google Docs and now I can work on it from any computer with internet access. I can go to Bookman’s (wonderful used bookstore putting in a coffee shop and already offering free WiFi) and work as long as I can stand to sit there, while the munchkin reads every book they have and maybe even picks out a few to take home.

And in November, in NaNo–I’ll be able to go to Write-Ins. 😀

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