Another Good Book

Write Faster, Write Better, the title promises. It might even be true. Much of the advice makes sense, anyway. Unfortunately I can’t try it out right now; what little writing time I have is dedicated to editing.

Which…phew. This is a hard slog! Which only makes me that much more eager to try the methods outlined in WFWB, because the author (David Fryxell, a familiar name to any who read Writer’s Digest when I had my subscription) promises that if you follow directions, you’ll be doing a lot less editing. (Because you’ll need it less–you’ll know where you’re going and won’t waste any words getting there.)

I’m always up for less editing. I can’t wait to give this a shot. Me, the dyed-in-the-wool, Outlines Are Evil!, Seat-of-my-pants-and-like-it-that-way, wander-till-I-find-an-ending-I-like, writer.

Because, damn it. Editing is a pain. Who wants to do it more than once?

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