Hurrah for Books!

No, those aren’t here yet. But since I was so excited and didn’t want to wait, I picked up another I had lying around. One I couldn’t manage to get into last time around.

Boy, am I regretting that now. Because now, I’m going to have to go through Taro again after this fix. But…I finally get scenes.  Holly Lisle’s explanation never worked for me; I was missing a crucial bit of information.  Not that she didn’t say it–I didn’t catch it.

Now I do.  And I’m going to edit, and I’m going to fix, and then I’m going to explain what the heck I’m talking about.  Yes.

After I sleep.

2 thoughts on “Hurrah for Books!”

  1. You must be feeling better — great! So what’s the title of this book that led to your scene-ic ephiphany? Just curious!

  2. Slowly, so slowly…I’m well enough to rail about what I’m not yet well enough to do. The book is Scene & Structure by Jack M. Bickham.

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