New Toy!

This is my new cell phone. Isn’t it purty? I like it lots. And it was really cool. Bly told the guy (’cause I’m a chicken) what I wanted, and that I wasn’t going to buy a lot of extras. I just needed a phone that worked. ‘Cause my old one don’t.

He asked a couple questions, including where I work. And where I work got me a model I’d already ruled out as too expensive absolutely free. I kid you not. If I had not chosen to get a car charger in addition to the other, I would have walked out with my pretty new phone without paying a dime.

Yes, it’s with a two-year service plan. But it’s Verizon, and Bly’s been with them for ten years and never had a problem. It’s a good plan–not expensive or restrictive–and my activation was also free.

So now when I go to San Francisco next week (yes, it’s the annual trek to Insanity, and I’m SOOO looking forward to it!) and I lose Bly in the crowd or suddenly decide the panels are boring and take off to see the bridge, we’ll be able to locate each other again. Which is good because while the hotel is in my name, the plane tickets are on her card.

Spontaniety is good.  But if I don’t make it back, the kid and the cats are going to miss me.  😉

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