No One Understands Me!

This episode of teenage angst brought to you by…

Well, hell. If I knew where it was coming from, I’d effing do something about it, wouldn’t I?

Here’s the thing. I haven’t written since…Sunday. No time, no energy, no flippin’ way I could stop snarling long enough to write anything but vitriol. Fall Warm-Up is blown to hell, and I can’t even summon some “nice” to hang out on the NaNoPubYe forum and encourage the others. I can’t talk; I just want to bite.

Work blows. I’m driving my roommate nuts. I have a near-constant headache, and that twitch under my right eye that used to happen when I’d been on the computer all day (AND had too little sleep the night before) now starts ten minutes after I get to work. Yesterday I came home and went to bed for THREE HOURS, got up for three hours, and went back to bed. That’s the best night I’ve had all week.

I posted on my other forum to explain my absence. Someone said she’d read how I’m feeling described as “howling wolf feelings.”

Hell yeah. I don’t wanna talk, don’t wanna deal, don’t wanna SOLVE. I want to grab a spear, smear blood on my cheeks, and run with the wolves.

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