blank stare

If ‘instant’ coffee had instant results, they’d sell a lot more of it.

82,332 is the word count this morning. That’s pretty darn good, and I won’t even compare it to Saturday’s when the count grew over two thousand words. I know what I wrote yesterday is good stuff, and that’s what matters.

The end is in sight!

In other news, it’s Sunday morning and I’ve done no housework. We got a surprise rainstorm yesterday–I tell you, when you’re signed up for weather alerts and you’re on the computer all day and suddenly it’s raining sideways when the last you heard was it might, maybe, think about raining a teeny little bit–that’s a bit annoying. All this advanced technology and they can’t give me enough warning to close my bedroom windows? Sigh. According to a memo passed around at work last week, when sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt, you’re a grown-up.

I did not, however, meet other criteria. (no surprise there…) The only one I can remember right now, is ‘if sex in a twin bed is out of the question.’ I’d do it in a twin bed. I’d do it on the floor or in the closet or anywhere else we happened to be, if I had a partner. Ah, the joys of widowhood…

(eta, five years later–4/24/05 means I was working on Rafe. 82K wasn’t really close to the end–it staggered on at least another thirty thousand words. Rafe is the talkative sort. ^_^;; )

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