Whee, not in a good way

I don’t know why anybody gets stoned, and I can’t remember why I ever got drunk after the first time. My allergy medicine hit me hard today, for some reason, and I spent the day higher than a kite. And on a windy day in Tucson, that’s pretty high. It was not pleasant. I giggled stupidly when spoken to, I couldn’t remember a student’s name for the ten steps it took to get to the intercom to call them out of class, and I shifted papers around my desk, trying to remember what I was supposed to do with them. I dread to think what tomorrow is going to be like.

But hey. I’m sober now. And since blogging yesterday morning, the word count has risen to 75,422. And I did get some deliciously evil ideas for what to do to my guys next in the book. Bwahaha! (evil laugh) Onward!

Though to be realistic, I’m so tired from playing plastic-bag-in-a-dust-devil, I’ll probably just stare dumbly at the ms for a while and then go to bed. Sigh.

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