Stick a Fork in Me

I’m done. And not in a good way.

It’s 2330. I’ve been up since the roofers got on the roof at about 0600. I’ve screwed around with Twitter, looked at lolcats, done some laundry, and oh, hey, I actually wrote 600 some words. Not sure how many–if any–I’ll keep, but I did write them.

Cleared my desk a bit, put clean dishes away, loaded the dishwasher. Made the kid do math and chores and clean her room a bit. Took pictures of the cats in hopes I will soon come up with brilliant captions.

yeesh. It’s probably a good thing I’m going back to work.

Oh, and I fixed about twenty of the broken blog entries, and put up another Weiss fanfic. It’s here. All the usual warnings apply. It’s YAOI, and ADULTS ONLY. Ya hear me? kthxbai

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