
What do you mean? Of course that’s a word.

Meh. I’m giddy with exhaustion, yet over-caffeinated. All I did today was start to get the Flame-edit changes into the document, because I certainly don’t have brain enough to edit the last six pages.

Why am I so tired? Because I was up till 0338 dealing with the waterfall in the living room, that’s why. I told them it would come in again, and they chose to treat me like a drama queen. Well, I got all the buckets fast enough, so all I’m out is some sleep and some patience. They’ve got a big sagging thing hanging off the wall, and two ruined light fixtures where the water came pouring through the ceiling.

Oh, and we now have an appointment for a new roof on Wednesday of next week. After two weeks of them saying they had to wait until monsoons were over to fix it permanently–they’re tired of fixing it temporarily. (Today–after the waterfall of last night–was the fourth time.)

Gah. Brain-dead, seriously. I’m wandering my forums as Zombie!KD because it’s too early to go to bed.

No, really. I goofed and caffeinated in an attempt to get conscious enough to accomplish something. So though I’m so flipping tired my jaw may fall off with the next yawn–I’m not able to go to bed.

You ought to see my unedited typing. I’d let you, but it’s so bad you wouldn’t be able to read it, and typos aren’t fun when it’s ALL typos.

Trust me on that one.

Did my roommate just say “Good grief?” I think she did. That reminds me of this.

Freaky, eh?

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