Here, Mousie, Mousie…

whee! I got a trackball to replace the full-size mouse.  This is fun! I’m not sure it’s going to work because the thing is even larger than the full-size mouse, but it’s definitely fun!  And the motion is different, so we’ll see.

Bly wanted to go to Office Depot and Borders today.  Office supplies and books.  Do you think I was going to say I didn’t want to go?

The only thing I bought was the trackball.  Believe it or not.  We spent a couple hours at Borders and I mostly wandered the SF section. While Bly shopped for CDs I plotted out where my books will be stocked if I go with my married name or my maiden name.  (Married.  “C” puts me right at eye level, “H” fell right at the floor!  That seems to be how it goes at most bookstores I’ve checked.)

Bly browsed the culture section (oh, whatever it was!) while I probably got some really weird looks as I re-affirmed my promise to myself and the books to be there.

It was a very rewarding trip.  I came home resolved to GET PUBLISHED.  (yeah, I know, I was already resolved.  Call me strengthened, then.)


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