Gee, I Wonder…

A friend IMed me just as I sat down at my computer tonight.  Said beloved friend IMs me every night.

Is there some part of “leave me alone” that isn’t getting through?  When I gave her the address, I told her she needed to not abuse it.  I only appear online to a couple people, because most people don’t understand that I’m working and likely to rip the heads off of persons disturbing me.

She writes too.  She understood.  She wouldn’t abuse it.

Every night is abuse of privilege.  There isn’t anyone on the planet, including my child and my roommate, that I want to spend an entire hour exchanging mindless pleasantries with.  Either we talk about something worthwhile–and let’s face it, without a need to discuss homework or paying bills, there just isn’t that much worthwhile in the world–or just leave me the hell alone.

I’ll be lots friendlier if we talk less often.  Honest.

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