Stupid, Stupid!

You want to know why people turn to illegal music downloading?

Because ALL the damn services screw you over and make you pay for sh*t again and again!!

I don’t like the Napster player.  I was using Windows Media Player.  It wanted to know if I wanted to back up my licenses.  Sure, that’s important, wouldn’t want to lose my proof I paid for the stuff, right?

Now the damn songs won’t play!  A little window pops up and tells me the song isn’t available, try again later.  Again and again and again.

Y’all can just go to hell.  I got my bills to prove I paid, I’m downloading from a service that works.

381 words on Keen, btw.  Not much, but it’s progress.  I like progress.

Ooh, there’s thingys!  Looky, new thingys!   Hey, what happened to my font?

Sigh.  Why do they always have to fix things that aren’t broken?  How the hell do I fix my font?  There’s a ton of new editing thingys at the top, but ‘font’ has gone away.  And of all the emoticons I’ve ever seen–they choose the worst set.  It doesn’t even have the drooling smiley.  What good are smileys without the drooley one?

Life is just out to get me.

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