Day Three

I’ve given up on getting the packets ready to file, I’m just trying to get the paperwork my administrators and nurse need separated from what stays with me.  That and getting all the packets in the right boxes behind the correct letters.  Someone who helped with registration was filing by student’s first name.

Someone else took a thick handful of all grade levels, last names, and random paperwork, and stuck it behind the H in the 6th grade box.

Thanks so much.

Next week my office manager has a training she has to attend for several hours on Monday.  On Tuesday, there is a meeting she must attend.  On Wednesday, I have to attend a training.  On Thursday, in the morning the third lady in our office has to attend a three hour training, and in the afternoon I and my office manager have to attend that same training.  As every single staff member has to attend either the first or second training, I will be handling attendance for thirty-five substitutes in the morning.

In the afternoon, poor Ruth will be dealing with 35 substitutes, 840 sugar-high-after-lunch kids, and no help.

Gotta love No Child Left Behind.  Oh, yeah, it’s gonna do our kids a lot of good.

What’s the training?  Cultural Proficiency.  (what kind of PC crap is that, exactly?  I’ll let you know.)  So in a school that is probably 50% Hispanic, 30% black, (excuse me, African American) 15% white and has kids from Mexico, the US, China, Somalia, Liberia, Eritrea, Poland, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the United Kingdom, Russia, Japan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, not to mention at least four Native American tribes…yes, I’m certain those (I bet you ANYTHING!) white folks will teach us a lot about how to encourage diversity and tolerance.

Yes, our faculty does reflect our diversity.

I’m reminded of an episode of ER, where Dr. Green tells someone something wasn’t about race.  The person, an African American, says it’s always about race.  I hope that’s not true, but if it is, maybe we need to stop emphasizing the differences?

As some lovely person said, can’t we all just get along?  (then I could stay in my office and get my work done…)

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