I Did Too!

I did blog recently! I did! And I hit “save and publish.” Where it went after that is anyone’s guess. It sure isn’t on top of my blog!

Ah well. The gremlins must have their fun. It could certainly be worse. (Knock on wood. If I can find any real stuff…)

I’m quitting smoking yet again. I’m getting good at it. I can now quit whenever I run out of cigarettes–and stay quit, until the next time I’m at a convenience store counter with five dollars I can squeeze out of my bills, and a lot of stress eating at my insides. Then I’m gonna buy a pack. It’s a fact of life. What I really need to do is stay away from convenience stores. They’re the worst place to buy absolutely anything anyway.

Yeah, yeah, it’s a blog about writing. I know. So I’ll complain that I was editing my ms and came across a paragraph where I described my Marine as surprised, and the next sentence the doctor was surprised. Ick. I know better than that.

Don’t worry, it’s fixed now. My opus is down to a lean, mean, 704 pages. I’m sure I can cut it more. Just as soon as I remember where I put the machete…

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