Getting Worried

Yeah, I know I’m sick.  And I worked today, though I did come home early and crash for a couple hours.

But still, I’m getting worried.  When I got up from my nap, Joss was jabbering away, and I sat down and got to work.  I wrote 1085 words today.  (yay!)  The problem is, to ‘win’ at NaNoWriMo, I need to average 1,666.66 words a day.  I can do that, I’ve done better.  When I was totally focused, knew where I was going, and was on summer vacation.

They’ll give me the month off for NaNoWriMo, won’t they?  I mean, it’s important.  They have to see that.  Don’t they?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Guess I better start cruising the NaNo forums for those easy ways to up your word count. 

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