
So we don’t know the place.  So we only have limited funds and limited time and we don’t know what the hell we’re doing.

You don’t think that’s going to keep us in the hotel, do you?

I, KD the intrepid, vowed not.  (KD the coward was sleeping in, and KD the reasonable hadn’t had any coffee yet.)  So we picked a destination and found a way.  With the help of a desk clerk, a British citizen, and an ADORABLE college student from Portugal…we walked to the train station and rode an elevated train (that sometimes was a subway?) to a bus station and eventually managed to wind up here.  Isn’t it gorgeous?

Sure, we could have gone to the bridge.  But everybody goes to the bridge.  We (Phoenix, Bly, and I) are anything but followers.

We had a lovely tea, thank you very much.  And we made it back to stand in line for the opening ceremonies.


I bought Hope a jade dragon.  And Thomas a sheep.  Don’t ask.

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