What Would You Like to Know?

Would you like to hear about my husband the alcoholic, who, it turns out, is SMI and has been misdiagnosed for more than seven years? Would you like to hear how CPS turned him out of our home on the coldest night of the year, when he had nowhere to go, because of that incorrect diagnosis and the fact that he bent up his own door? How they called it domestic violence when no one was hurt or even threatened? Or frightened?

How about the way the rich boys paying their way through rehab didn’t have to clean up their own rooms, while my husband who is disabled with a heart condition was forced to do yard work? And the way everyone kept saying they wanted six months of sobriety outside the program, making it plain that his voluntary checking into a rehab program meant absolutely nothing? Even though he could have walked down the street and bought a beer at any time? Sixty days sobriety, and they didn’t care.

Would you like to hear how our little one cries at night for her daddy? How she was only allowed to visit him at the program on Sundays with the understanding that we would stay outside in view of the staff at all times, even though (again) he’s never even been accused of raising his voice to her? How he left the program so his sobriety would start counting towards reunion with his family?

How about the tiny, ugly, expensive motel room he has to live in until the people who are supposed to “case manage” his case–whatever that means–can get their acts together and get him an apartment? Or until his $500 a month disability runs out, whichever happens first.

Would you like to hear how he spent the day in the hospital, while they tried to keep him from dying of the overdose of medications that has been building up for two weeks, because his dosages were way too high?

I could go on, but why? No one wants to hear all this. Particularly the wonderful lawyer they stuck me with, and whom I am paying $800 for the privilege of having him tell me to not say anything, it doesn’t matter.

He’s right. No one gives a damn about the truth.

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