Oh. Goody.

Oh. Goody.

So Bly’s right. What I need to be doing, is NOT writing another book. Keen and Joss and all the other books will be there, and probably be better for a break. What I need to be doing, is editing.


Okay, now that’s out of the way…

I don’t really mind editing. The reading over my work part, anyway. I write what I love to read, so I love to read what I wrote.  I don’t mind fixing things, either. Fixing, fine-tuning, writing a bit more here and there, tinkering… It’s just so hard to feel like I’m accomplishing much. Yes, I’m pretty sure I’m improving the work, but–well, there’s no wordcount. Sure, I can keep track of how many pages I go over a day. But it’s a pretty sure bet if I’m racing the clock, I’m not giving the work the thought it requires.


Anywhoo. I have to do it. So I will do it. I’m going to keep querying Eve because she’s closest to ready, but I’m editing Taro. Boys in love are hot right now. (boys in love are hot all the time, but people in publishing are only now catching on to this fact.)

Right after work tomorrow, I’ll dig out the manuscript. Since tonight I have to go to group.


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