No Microphone

I don’t have a microphone on my computer.  You should rejoice in that fact.  It means you don’t have to choose between jumping to turn the speakers down, or enduring listening to me sing.

Because–I did it, I did it, I did it, did it, did it!!  5,811 words today, to bring a grand total of [cue drum roll!] 50,620!!  NaNo’s word counter only recognizes it as 50,055, but even so, I finished my novel AND NaNo today.


I did it, I did it–

No, don’t go away!  I’ll stop!  Cool

That’s FIVE complete novels, for those counting.  And one more than halfway done, another with a good solid start…

Yeah, yeah.  Publishing one would be a grand idea.  What can I say?  I’m working on it.

Onward!  (I did it, I did it, I did it, did it, did it…) 

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