
I’m free, I’m free!

So it’s only a four-day freedom.  I AM FREE!!

I’m aware my word count doesn’t reflect it.  Not yet, anyway.  Give me a break, I did work.  And then I had to go to the bank, and the store.  (NOT the grocery store, I’m not that crazy!)

662 words is the total for today, bringing me to 42,778.  Six hundred words used to be an okay day for me, but now I know I can do better.  So I want to.

Ah well.  I’m free!!!!

We’re going to my friends’ house for Thanksgiving.  Not to sound horrible, (though I know it does) but it’s a good thing Bly is allergic to cats.  Not viciously–she loves mine, and they don’t give her much trouble.  But we have tile all through the house, and Hope swiffers for dust-kittens in the making every day.  My friends, though–they have FOUR cats, and carpet, and don’t vacuum unless they can move the furniture and do it “right.”

You can guess how often that happens.

Oh, right.  The reason this is good news?  We can only stay so long.  No getting sucked into hanging out making meaningless conversation or watching (the HORROR!) football all day.  Go, have fun, enjoy the meal and help with the clean-up, talk until Bly’s eyes start swelling shut–which is as long as we’ll manage intelligent conversation after turkey anyway–and come home.  Nap and get back to the NaNo.

You watch.  Tomorrow’s total will be a heck of a lot better. 

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