Allergy Pills at Dawn!

Okay, that makes it sound like a duel, and it’s not. Quite.

It will not astonish my regular readers, if such still exist, that I’m not much of a housekeeper. It doesn’t bother me much– we keep it clean enough to be comfortable, we don’t invite people over, it’s all good.

But we’re going away, the roomie and I. For a month. Leaving the adult-aged child at home. Alone. With no one to remind her to take her meds or bring all the dirty dishes out of her room.

This may not end well.

Currently the plan is to have some trusted people (trusted but have never set foot in my house, weird, huh?) come check in on her. Make sure she’s okay, help her figure out how to take care of things. But that will require actually letting them in the house.

So…yeah. A housecleaning is in order. I know from prior efforts that leaving job lists for the people who are home all day every day doesn’t work. We’re going to have to coordinate our schedules, and all get to work on this at the same time. We’re going to have to, UGH, work under my supervision. So that means…allergy pills at dawn. Or some appropriate time so the medication can kick in, because…


There will be dust.

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