Word Warrior!

Thank God for word wars! My total today–are you ready for this?–five thousand, three hundred thirty words!

Whoohoohoo!  I broke 25k, AND THEN 30k today!

Word wars–where you simply post that you’re going for the…whatever start time you’ve chosen, and write as fast as you can until time is up–may save me.  I may make my goal.  Even though I’ve discovered…nanoisms.

Nanoisms are those stupid things people come up with when typing as fast as they can.  Apparently someone is looking at making a book of them, so I can only post mine.  But I guess I’ll share.  *grin*

he still thought of himself as an adjunct, an expansion pack of me. Useless on his own.

Um…no.  I know what an expansion pack is, you know what an expansion pack is.  Still doesn’t work. 

 I led along the ridge until I found what I was looking for, oh hell what was he looking for, I forgot his brilliant plan, oh, damn, I don’t think weel while writing, damnit, come on, back to…I led along the ridge

Fourth wall?  We don’t need no stinking fourth wall!  (the fourth wall is supposed to be between the story and the audience.) 

Dear God, the poem hadn’t been a red sardine.

Herring, Taro.  The phrase is “red herring.”  And two lines later:

One set of footprints, dug into the hummus because Marshall was clearly carrying Rafe.

I was not hungry when I wrote this.  And I don’t eat sardines or hummus anyway.

Absurdity is the spice of life, right? 

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