A Whuppin' is Less Than He Deserves

I’m amazed I got anything done tonight.  I did, 1,077 words worth, but it was hard.  I kept wandering off to check the election results.

No, I’m not fool enough to think all Democrats are good people, or necessarily smart or wise enough to run a country.  But guess what?  That IDIOT in the White House has done so much damage–I voted against him in every possible way. 

When I vote, I take my daughter.  Every time.  I explain the issues to her, I tell her how I’m voting and why.  Too many people fought too hard for our right to have a voice in our government, I will not let her treat it casually.  This time, though, I just told her, “I’m voting for anyone who might get in that idiot’s way.”  No, that’s not casual.  Have you seen what that bastard has done?  Taken away our civil rights, engaged in kidnaping and torture, played guitar while New Orleans drowned, made us a laughingstock or an object of hate in two hemispheres…

I don’t need to explain who ‘that idiot’ is.  She knows.  At least she hasn’t heard most of the other things I call him.

Thank God as the night wears on, it looks like a lot of people agree with me, and we’re finally on track to get some dignity and MORALITY restored to our government.  Silly me, I think torture and unjustified war are a lot less moral than someone’s sex games.  No, I’m not going any farther with that.  I only mention it because that’s what the idiot ran on the first time–morality.

Really, though–I do hope all you idiots who voted the bastard in the first time (and the SECOND time!) are pleased with yourselves.  How long do you think it will be before The Land of the Free shakes off the shackles of King George?

One more thing–if you MUST have a Republican president, any Republican president, to balance Congress (and the governors, and lots of lower offices, and yes it worries me the best person wasn’t necessarily chosen by voting AGAINST the idiot) what the hell is wrong with John McCain?  He’s got the morals to say torture is wrong, and the guts to tell the president to kiss off.  He’s a Republican most Democrats respect.  Imagine the possibilities–two parties working together to preserve and protect this great country.

Isn’t that the one goal we all share? 

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