You Call That an Ending??

1745 words on the NaNovel.  That’s cool.  Movie night tonight.  Doubly cool.

Watched the end of Wolf’s Rain tonight.  Not cool.  That ending sucked. 

Okay, maybe it did make sense.  Doesn’t stop it from SUCKING.

The show itself is very worth watching.  Involved plot, engaging characters, bishies everywhere (you knew that), the whole shebang.  Lots and lots of fun.  Just don’t watch the end.

******SPOILER WARNING*******

Okay, so you want to know?  You’re sure?

EVERYBODY DIES.  I’m not kidding, at the end of the last episode Kiba is the ONLY one still alive.  Cheza seeds paradise, but neither she nor any of the wolves nor any of the humans get to see it.  NOT EVEN KIBA.  The world ends, everything is destroyed and renewed and STARTS THE HELL OVER and Kiba, Tsume, Toboe, and Hige have to do it all over again.  Not only that, but they don’t even get born into the new and beautiful world till it’s all screwed up and coming to an end AGAIN.

I will watch it again.  I will enjoy it again.  I will (probably) write a satisfactory damned ending to it.

Watch it.  But have a box of tissues and a huggable pillow handy. 

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