Bah, Humbug

Getting in the spirit early, here or late, according to the store displays.  I saw my first simulated-snow globe before Halloween.  Last time we were at the grocery store, Hope was fascinated by a singing Santa who shook his booty.

Early or late, it’s something I do have to think about in advance.  Can’t let the munchkin catch on we lied about Santa, now can we?  I’m still not sure how that happened.  Chris and I discussed it before she was born, and we agreed we weren’t going to do that.  While he never did manage to decide on a religion (anyone who goes through three in less than ten years is a bit fickle, in my opinion) we did agree Christmas would be about family, and he wouldn’t object to me teaching her my beliefs.

Which don’t have anything to do with Santa and flying reindeer and the incredible commercialism that every year I think must have peaked, but every year it’s worse.  So there’s my dilemma.  How to bring the real meaning of Christmas home to her, without ‘ruining’ what should be the occasion of the year?  Especially when any emphasis on family has to remind her that we are one short now, and always will be.

Not going there.

Church well, it’s just so darn hard to find a good church fit.  This isn’t a good time of year to start trying, either.  And so many do still place so much emphasis on who is getting what.  And I don’t want to get entangled with the whole church family thing.  (Selfish, I know, but an active church can easily suck you in and consume your life.  A sedentary church why go?)

Hmmm.  Maybe it’s early enough, most charities won’t be swamped with volunteers yet.  I could investigate that.

I think, whatever I do, it’s going to have to result in my dragging myself away from my writing more often.  I can’t show her that people matter more than things, if it looks like all that matters to me is my computer.

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