Damn, and I Thought He Was Bright

Quoting from this site:

To cover most (but not all) of the roughly 45 million Americans without health insurance, Obama advances ideas that split the bill between individuals, government and business. His first step would be to require parents to insure their children. Then he proposes to expand eligibility for government programs for the poor and to offer subsidies to help other uninsured individuals buy coverage through a new, nationwide purchasing pool modeled on the insurance available to federal employees. Finally, Obama would require all but the smallest employers to provide insurance for workers or else pay about 60of their payroll to help government fund the cost of covering those employees.

Excuse me?  Require me to insure my daughter?  Does he somehow have the MONUMENTALLY STUPID idea that I wouldn’t do that on my own if I could?  It would cost me a FOURTH of my monthly income to put her on my insurance.  And he wants to make it the law that I HAVE to do it?

I pay for my daughter’s medical needs.  All of them.  And it costs me a lot less than insurance would.  Not that I wouldn’t LOVE to have affordable insurance available.

He can stuff his damned ‘help’ where the sun don’t shine.

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