
Glaciers are shrinking.  Go here and see for yourself.  Look at the pictures of Alaska from 100 years ago, then the recent ones.  What do you care about glaciers?  Go here to find out why you should care.  And here.  And here.  And in case you didn’t spot it:

If all land ice melted, sea level would rise approximately 230 feet (70 meters) worldwide.

Think all that ice won’t melt?  What’s to stop it?  Look again at this.  If we stopped NOW, which we are not going to do because of that damn fool in office who won’t do Kyoto because it “doesn’t do enough” so we won’t do anything at all…snarl.

Even if all industrial pollution and auto emissions suddenly ceased today, Earth’s climate will warm at least 1 degree by the year 2100 and seas will rise 4 inches (11 centimeters), according to a new study.

The warming is likely to continue through 2400, another study forecasts.

The worst-case scenario projects the global average temperature rising 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit within this century and the sea level climbing a foot or more.

People are dying.  Don’t believe me?  Check this out.  Katrina, people. There’s a reason Katrina was so vicious.

Get off your damned complacency and do something.  Try this.  Or this.  Or this.

Please.  Don’t our kids, don’t all kids, deserve a liveable world?

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