
I’m starting to get irritated. I love my ISP, mostly, they make it so easy. I don’t want to learn all this computer stuff, but I want my public pages to look like I know it, so I really appreciate the help. But I can’t get my mail center to display right.

There’s no reason for it. We already tried clearing the temporary graphics files, and tried deleting the main ind files, whatever those are. The telling thing is that it doesn’t work on the computer at work, either. That tells me it’s not a problem with my computer! But the customer service folk, ever so polite, just can’t acknowledge the problem might be on their end. So instead of working, I spend half an hour every once and a while in a tech-help IM, waiting for them to figure it out. It’s horrible.

The really sad part, though, is that I hardly ever use the mail center. I should just give up, I don’t need it. There are two reasons I don’t. One is just pure stubborn cussedness. The other is that I’m afraid it is a symptom of a larger problem, and if I don’t stop it now, my whole beautiful computer might crash. Noooo! I love my Dell!

Even though they keep trying to charge me double for stuff I already paid for once.

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