My Head is Harder Than Your Wall

Way back when I set up my first social media account (on myspace!) that was my quote.

“My head is harder than your wall.”

There’s a thing about me. Each of my characters, in some way, is me. Everyone is inside me, they just come out with things more emphasized than they are in me. The character’s main thing, whatever it is that most makes them who they are? That’s me. Eve’s determination. Taro’s impulsive stubbornness. Yes, even Joss’ “I can fucking do this” confidence, in an odd way. It’s all there, in me.

So yeah. Wednesday I was in an awful mood. A “fuck you, world, I’m tired of you fucking me over and I’m just going to hide in my corner and not hope any more you bastard” mood.

But I’ve got Eve on my side. Tell Eve she can’t do something she wants to do, and (after flattening you if she feels like it) she’ll give you a look that says “really…” and go do what you said she couldn’t in less time than it would have taken her otherwise.

So screw the world. I’m still going to succeed. I’ve got Eve, and she’s got a harpoon gun. What more could I need?

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