
oh em gee i missed you so much never leave me again!

…I’m snuggling my blog. You…may want to leave us alone. >_> (Something more intelligent later. Or at least, more serious.) oh my dear and beloved blog…

oh em gee i missed you so much never leave me again! Read More ยป

Intelligent Commentary? Seek Elsewhere

Gracious me, I am so flippin’ tired. Beware random silliness! Wrote two sentences on Joss-editing notes. That counts as working on it. Made the kid clean up, and washed every dish in the house. Took a quickie nap. Have this overwhelming urge to write pr0n, only that urge usually comes with characters and this time

Intelligent Commentary? Seek Elsewhere


No, seriously. I had to go out today; there were things I had to do. So it’s lucky I saw this first, or someone might have been hurt. Like when the kid set her phone down somewhere and it took us fifteen minutes of me calling it to find it in the refrigerator by the


A Few, Barely-Here Thoughts

Meghan McCain, I tip my hat to you. In case you missed it, criticism of Miss McCain’s political opinions for some reason included mention of her weight. Miss McCain responded: โ€œWhat do young women think when I speak my mind about politics and I want to have a political discussion about the ideological future of

A Few, Barely-Here Thoughts