
Planner Update

Here’s the thing–I call it my BuJo, but it doesn’t seem to be very BuJo. in particular, I’m not (so far) using the bullet system to track tasks. I like to highlight next to the task with one of my newly acquired six pretty colors and then check it off when I get it done. […]

Planner Update

Life Comes at You Fast

I don’t even want to make a list, I have so much I need to catch up on. Ever make a to-do list and get so overwhelmed looking at it that you don’t do a damn thing but hide in the internet and/or a movie or something? Yeah. I don’t need any of that, thanks. That also never helps.

Life Comes at You Fast

Saturday Morning Post

Waking up sneezy and a teeny bit congested is even less fun than it used to be. Is this allergies or is this something else? challenge 2020. However! Today in gardening news: One of my zucchini plants has a flower! I’m so excited. Roomie has been taking over the house with her sourdough starter, but

Saturday Morning Post

This Week in KD News

The book-writing goes on. I went back and did scene cards (Scene: Goal, Conflict, Disaster. Sequel: Reaction, Dilemma, Decision) and realized in the doing what I already knew–the beginning was really floppy, because as I wrote it I had no idea where I was going. I have a little better idea now, and I need that foundation, so I wrote some scenes for the beginning.

This Week in KD News

Freakin’ Allergies, and also Babble About (Re)Writing to the End

Sometimes I write so fast that I outpace my plotting brain. I’ve learned to recognize it when I hit a point where I don’t know what happens next. Or rather, I do, but I don’t know how to write it.

Freakin’ Allergies, and also Babble About (Re)Writing to the End Read More ยป