gimme a three-quarter-inch wrench and a large cod

Superfriends, Go For It!

Superfriends, Go For It!

I haven’t done any actual scientific data collecting, but I’m of the understanding that a lot of us mean to do things we never get around to, butย then go ahead and do a lot of things we never meant to do. Attaining level 37 on Candy Crush instead of working on aย term paper, for instance. […]

Superfriends, Go For It!

Where Do I Start?

Where Do I Start?

I’m over-worked and under-slept. Again. Why do I do this to myself? Every time I pile on too much, I get in the middle and I promise myself never again. Then next semester, or possibly two semesters later… I’m here! I’m alive. I may even pass all my courses, but that’s undecided as of yet.ย Difficult

Where Do I Start?

Drowning My Muses

Drowning My Muses

I can’t believe we’re at the end of 2015. On Tuesday we’ll be in December. Combine that with how I put things on my blog so I can remember them, and then needing to remember them lately. Like how to light the pilot light, or measurements of the Christmas tree stand. The two together haveย me

Drowning My Muses

Where’s My Damn Ark?

Where's My Damn Ark?

I lived for five years at the last house, and ONCE had water all over my back porch due to a washing machine issue. Two years at the place before that (same washing machine) and not a single problem. So why is it, now that my washing machine is inside my house for the first

Where’s My Damn Ark?

Even in the Future, Not Everyone Has Everything and It Doesn’t All Work Either

Even in the Future, Not Everyone Has Everything and It Doesn't All Work Either

I’m editing my first NaNovel right now. I’m thinking about how a restaurant would work in the future, what would actually change, and really, in the background…? I’m thinking not so much. Tomatoes still have to be chopped, cheese shredded, dishes washed. Sure, machines exist to do these things, but machines cost money that maybe

Even in the Future, Not Everyone Has Everything and It Doesn’t All Work Either Read More ยป

That Was Close! or Why You Do Your Homework Early

That Was Close! or Why You Do Your Homework Early

I’m in my third semester of Spanish. Homework is due at 9 p.m. on Monday nights. No late work is accepted. Ever. That said, plenty of times in these three semesters I’ve been racing to get my homework submitted on time. I even installed StayFocusdย on my favorite browser, Chrome, to make sure I didn’t do

That Was Close! or Why You Do Your Homework Early Read More ยป

Oh Em Gee, Verizon Prepaid SUCKS

Oh Em Gee, Verizon Prepaid SUCKS

Yep, it’s rant night. One day soon I’ll answer the questions to earn my Liebster award, but that night is not tonight. I’m gonna rant. About Verizon Prepaid. About how it SUCKS. Let me be clear–I am talking about the prepaid. NOT the post-paid, where you have a contract and they charge you way too

Oh Em Gee, Verizon Prepaid SUCKS