
World-Building, Day Seven

World-Building, Day Seven

One problem is that I’m not sure of any major civilizations. The Devastation pretty much knocked everyone on their asses–it’s taken three thousand years to crawl back out of the dark age, and the world isn’t a bunch of bordering nations anymore. It’s bits of civilization scattered across the face of the planet. So…skip the first question, if it’s not answered by the date of the Devastation.

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World-Building, Day Six

World-Building, Day Six

Day Six: Races. (Note: the site I’ve been using seems to be down, but you can get a PDF with the exercises and more here.) Spend 10 minutes figuring out what people who evolved in each major area of your world would look like. Then spend another 5 minutes asking “what if this group encountered that

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World-Building, Day Five

World-Building, Day Five

Day Five. So, today’s exercise is to draw out the physical contours of your map, and then identify at least three places that your people might live. You don’t need names for them yet– we’ll worry about names next week, when we give our people language. Just draw a dot on the map or maybe

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World-Building, Day Four

World-Building, Day Four

Nyeargh. Day Four. For 15 minutes, jot down some of the Really Big Land Features you want in your story and just think “what if that were made by….” Write down a couple of causes for those features and scars, and stick it all into your notebook. Which scars are slow-force scars (like plate tectonics),

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World-Building, Day Two

World-Building, Day Two

Well, I mean to walk Flame over most of her world at some point, so I’ll go for a typhoon when Flame thought she’d just find herself a shipwreck to get rich off. She was expecting some swimming with hottie beach-living natives, and instead she’s stuck in a leaky hut with Ryahled getting dripped on and hoping the dang place stays standing–and that it’s far enough above the high-water line.

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Yay for Flow!!

It’s working!  Oh, damn, I was starting to think I’d never write easily again… 418 words.  But I think (I hope) that puny number is only because I didn’t have much time to write.  Real Life is really kicking my butt lately. Speaking of…time for bed.  *sigh*

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Imagination Brings Inspiration

Check this out.  King of the Sea I was wasting time *cough* wandering a bit, looking for something other than the common Tentacled Sea Monster ™ to stick into Flame’s story when I stumbled across this lovely fellow. Now if I could just decide what happens after he drops in… This is not going well. 

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