editing never ends

Because I Love Joss

Because I Love Joss

I’m editing! Yay, me! Here’s something I can’t stop snickering over. It won’t mean as much to you as it does to me, but I’m posting it anyway–just so I can move on. Well inside the building, but before anyone entered the Chamber itself, security men searched people. Paige swallowed hard as one man then […]

Because I Love Joss

Editing Goes On

Editing Goes On

My friend and I are poking each other to edit. It’s so easy, you see, to just not quite get to it. To wander off into rearranging the desk for optimal efficiency. To run through the notes one more time while also trying to narrow down open browser tabs just a little.ย To get drawn into

Editing Goes On

Stupid Weekend

Stupid Weekend

Stupid weekends coming to an end. Stupid having to go to work on Mondays. Stupid, stupid. The more I work on this novel the more I love it. Joss cracks me up, Paige delights me, and Zeke is starting to come into his own. I don’t want to go back to work and leave them

Stupid Weekend



I’m working on the Joss edit again. My editor (bless her name!) had some awesome suggestions and I’m getting started. Except for tonight, when I just can’t seem to scrape up any motivation. That’s not even the right word. I’m motivated. I want to do this edit. The bit I’m working on right now, putting


Dammit, Life, Back Off!

I’m a writer. It’s what I live for. But I also have to make a living, and I’m a mom, and both of those have to come before my writing. So when I tell you that we’re in our third week of “computers as paperweights” at work, you know I’m frazzled. When I tell you

Dammit, Life, Back Off!

Instead of a #5kday, I’m Calling it a Day

Instead of a #5kday, I'm Calling it a Day

I’m dropping out of NaNo. I’ve thought about it long and hard (about half an hour!) and I need to do this. NaNo, as I’ve stated more than once, should be fun. Yes, it’s a challenge, but if you’re not having fun, something needs to be re-evaluated. I’m not having fun. I don’t know why–I

Instead of a #5kday, I’m Calling it a Day Read More ยป

New-to-Me Time-Waster

I went through it all, though (since yesterday) so it’s safe for me to talk about it. Have you seen Set Phasers to LOL yet? This is me, dying laughing. Most sites, if they include SF stuff at all, will mostly make fun of the fans. I can’t tell you how many “will never get

New-to-Me Time-Waster