
Got my Classes, Got my Books

Got my Classes, Got my Books

The Desert Museum

So here in Tucson, there’s the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, which has animals in as home-like an environment as they can manage and really they do pretty well. Then there’s the Wildlife Museum and it’s full of taxidermied trophy animals, or so the story goes. They’re both on the same road. I used to get

The Desert Museum

Belated Lake Post

Last Friday–no, Friday before last, now–we went to Patagonia Lake for our Adventure week. From 2012-06-29 This is my kid, sitting in the first natural body of water she’s ever gotten to swim in. The date under the picture is a link to the rest of the album if you want to click through. In

Belated Lake Post

Why I Needed Fast Draft Like A Glass of Water on a Ship in the Pacific

Why I Needed Fast Draft Like A Glass of Water on a Ship in the Pacific

Writing used to be almost completely instinctual for me. If you ever read the first draft of my first completed novel, you would see that pretty plainly. It’s pure kitchen-sink plotting: Every time the story slowed down, I threw in another attack or explosion, and made sense of them later. Years later when I wrote

Why I Needed Fast Draft Like A Glass of Water on a Ship in the Pacific Read More ยป

Fast Draft, AAAHHHH!!

So today starts the Fast Draft class with Candace Havens. I’m getting myself ready–drinking coffee, listening to Eye of the Tiger, taking deep breaths. Now to just get moving.

Fast Draft, AAAHHHH!!

My Familiar and Wonderful Local Zoo

Here in Tucson, we have the lovely Reid Park Zoo. It is not a huge zoo–it’s easily walked in a pleasant morning stroll. I’ve always found it to be just about perfect. By the time the little ones are tired, you’re at the cafe pondering corn dogs or hamburgers. This was our Thursday expedition, and

My Familiar and Wonderful Local Zoo

If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be Montezuma

Montezuma Castle, that is. That was our Wednesday trip. Wednesday was quite a journey to get to our destination. We hit two rest stops! This was the view from the first. We were not far from Casa Grande, and still had a long long ways to go. But the little one had to pee, and

If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be Montezuma