
Because so much cool stuff is just waiting to distract me from writing!

O Great Internet Search Engines, Friends to You and Me

O Great Internet Search Engines, Friends to You and Me

I have a friend who sends me propaganda. I love her, but she drives me up the wall forwarding biased, inaccurate, right-wing parroted bull that takes thirty seconds (I’m a fast typist) to debunk.* My friend is a lovely person (yes, conservative people can be and many are!) who I think is relieved when I

O Great Internet Search Engines, Friends to You and Me Read More ยป

The Real Origin of Werewolves

The Real Origin of Werewolves

Now, understand that none of this can be proven. I’m pretty sure I’m right, though. Way back in the mists of time, far earlier than any historical mention of werewolves, there lived a man and a woman. The man was not the woman’s mate–no, her mate knew when to keep his head down. This man

The Real Origin of Werewolves



So I think I mentioned that the Turtleduck-appointed webmistress got eaten by her life. I’ve had pretty good luck at figuring stuff out–I’ve made free websites on AOL, Geocities, Angelfire, and possibly a few more, as well as doing my WordPress through FTP till it got advanced enough I didn’t have to–so when no one


Project of the Day!

My room needed rearranging. Like, a lot. I’d bought some cool new stuff at Goodwill with that in mind, and then I cluttered up my room with them but I didn’t incorporate them. Today was the day to deal with that. A “before” picture. The pancakey thing to the right is the paper shade to

Project of the Day!

My Friends are Women

My Friends are Women

That’s been the case for some time now, but it struck me today. Nearly all my close friends are women. Obviously if I’m commenting on it, this is not how it has always been. I grew up running wild with two brothers. My favorite playmate-cousin was a boy. Yes, I had a female best friend

My Friends are Women