A Few, Barely-Here Thoughts

Meghan McCain, I tip my hat to you. In case you missed it, criticism of Miss McCain’s political opinions for some reason included mention of her weight. Miss McCain responded:

“What do young women think when I speak my mind about politics and I want to have a political discussion about the ideological future of the Republican Party, and the answer is, ‘She’s fat, she shouldn’t have an opinion.’ What kind of message are we sending young women?” she asked.

McCain said she felt like Tyra Banks when the model “went on her show in her bathing suit and said, ‘Kiss my fat ass.’”

“That’s what I feel right now,” McCain said. “I’m like, ‘Kiss my fat ass!’”

Her critic answered that she could get used to “teasing.” Ah, yes, the old “geez, can’t you take a joke?” defense.

A few more bits and bobs: scary Nativity sets. The delightful mix of music and fire. Make your own font.

And a lolcat, because the kittehs told me to.

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