October 2007

Insanity to the Rescue!

Good Lork, I actually feel like I might not go stark raving mad at any moment after all. Ford Prefect was right. “…there’s no point in driving yourself mad trying to stop yourself going mad. You might just as well give in and save your sanity for later.” I feel…relaxed. Tired as all hell, but […]

Insanity to the Rescue!

New Toy!

This is my new cell phone. Isn’t it purty? I like it lots. And it was really cool. Bly told the guy (’cause I’m a chicken) what I wanted, and that I wasn’t going to buy a lot of extras. I just needed a phone that worked. ‘Cause my old one don’t. He asked a

New Toy!

Revisionist History

Seems like they revised this completely out of the books: In 1907, Indiana became the first state to pass a law permitting involuntary sterilizations on eugenic grounds; at least 30 states would follow suit. Many of them simply adopted a model “eugenical sterilization law,” crafted by the EROโ€™s Harry Laughlin, which called for compulsory sterilizations

Revisionist History

Like, Wow, Dude

I am a writer. Sometimes I’m a darned good one. Other times not so much. But I’m always trying, practicing, learning, reading–I work damn hard at my vocation. And it’s all worthwhile when I get a Gift. Some time ago on the old blog, I ranted about discovering that I’d lost a scene. A wonderful,

Like, Wow, Dude

Almost Productive

Today I did some laundry, bought groceries, and got Hope’s glasses fixed. I also attempted to learn a bit more about quantum physics (no, I don’t “get” it, not fully, but who does? It’s fascinating stuff, no matter how much or little you “get.” Don’t believe me? Find your way through this.) Oh, and I

Almost Productive

Saved by the Microphone

So how sad is it, that the only way I could think about blogging tonight was to get out the speech recognition? Today was another of what’s becoming a typical Wednesday.ย  Incredibly hectic, totally lost.ย  There’s a “ghost” haunting half the computers in the school that means the teachers can’t take attendance on the computers.ย 

Saved by the Microphone

That Explains It!

The Peter Principle: promote people out of the jobs they are good at, and eventually management is full of idiots. No, seriously. Check it out: At the point where his level of incompetence is reached, an employee’s promotional trajectory usually ends, and he’s stuck in a position where he no longer has confidence in his

That Explains It!