I’m Here!

I'm Here!

There’s just…crap going on.† Have some links to what I’m distracting myself with, in my bid to hold onto my sanity.

Gorgeous Saturn pics from Cassini

These pronoun patches are awesome, and so is the rest of the shop.

This is kind of seriously amazing and amusing. She has a very sweet voice, and the dancing, and the rafts…

Hate Chick-Fil-A’s hate policies, but love their chicken? Try these. And let me know how it goes.

Not your typical princesses sounds good, but I dunno. Sounds like it might get preachy, and that never works.

Jennifer Lawrence isn’t worth as much as the mens! Who’s surprised? No, seriously, who is surprised that they automatically pay the women less even when it’s Jennifer Lawrence?

This is what some rocket scientists look like.

The water on Rosetta’s target comet isn’t what the scientists expected.

Squid! Giant, Colossal, and even bigger! Love me some cephalopod geekery.

In Other News

If you haven’t entered yet, the Even the Score signed copy giveaway ends Monday.

Fellow Turtleducker Erin Zarro’s Fey Touched hit the Amazon Top 100 Time Travel/Scifi. Go congratulate her!

† If you really want to know–my kid is an idiot, for-profit health insurance is a racket, finals suck, and screw Christmas.

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