
It was just one number.  I changed one little number from a five to a four, pushing one of the defining moments in Eve’s life back a year.

Then I had to change one more number, that was connected to the first number.

Then I realized I’d changed the entire history of my galaxy, as that second number was the date of the ambush that altered the course of Eve’s life and, by the way, plunged the Union into a war that lasted ten (was nine) years.

Do you have any idea how many times I’ve mentioned that war in the three complete novels and fifty or so incomplete novels/novellas/short stories/drabbles I have all over the place?  Yeah, pretty much all of them.  Want to know how many times I’ve said how long it lasted, or how old someone was when it started, or something like that?

Exactly.  No clue.  So it’s change it back–even though it makes more sense now–or change them ALL.

Change them ALL it is.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you I don’t suffer for my art.

Bly says I’m not allowed to change any more numbers.

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