A Trip to the Evil Place

Last night my kid asked me for a book. Normally I don’t go running out to buy her whatever she wants, but there are special circumstances in place. I went and bought her a book. In fact, I bought her two.

Don’t let the simplicity of that statement fool you. It’s never that easy for me to just buy a book.

The roomie and I know every bookstore in easy reach quite well. We knew the book wanted (Insurgent, the book after Divergent) wasn’t going to be at Bookman’s, our beloved used bookstore only a mile and a half away. No, we would have to go to The Evil Place. Home of many fascinating and pretty books, notebooks, CDs and DVDs and a Starbucks…

Yes, that evil place. The (gasp!) Barnes and Noble.

I swear there’s a time vortex in the doorway. There is no way we spent almost two hours there. We found the Veronica Roth very quickly, since it was everywhere. So there’s no way we spent almost an hour and a half talking ourselves out of buying books. Though there was an extended bit of time during which we had lost each other, and we can only assume we both decided to search the store in a clockwise direction and so didn’t find each other until the roomie texted “honestly, how is it possible to lose someone wearing a bright orange shirt?” and then she heard my phone go off when I received the text.

Anyway. We so did not spend two hours in the evil place. I refuse to believe it. Even if we did both come out with books for ourselves as well as for my daughter.

I am now the proud owner of Las Crónicas de Narnia. All the books in one: El Sobrino del Mago, El León, la Bruja y el Ropero, El Caballo y el Muchacho, El Príncipe Caspian, La Travesía del Viajero del Alba, La Silla de Plata, y La Última Batalia.

Eeeeee!!! I’ve been wanting to get them since the child destroyed (she called it artistically enhanced) the copy I’d bought for her and meant to snag when she was done reading it. And now I have it in Spanish!

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