I Could Have You All Hanged

“Really, guys? We need four thousand words on Hiro book three and you’re giving me Nemesis bits? I think that qualifies as a mutiny. I could have you all hanged.”

It’s fun the things that come out of your fingers when you’re writing like the wind. Sometimes it’s just babble. This happened on the 25th, a day where I barely managed 750 words:

 We can write laundry lists (what the hell? Why would you list your laundry anyway?) if we have to, in order to get to the finish line. No more losing NaNo. we had our one and only– it is no longer permitted.

And, immortal in the history of NaNo, we have this.

[find something, put it here]

Ahh, NaNo. Permission to write garbage. As I’ve said before, though, that’s not a bad thing. NaNo sets my imagination free. It took a lot longer this month than it usually does because life kept butting in, but it happened. Ideas started showing up. Connections were made. Thoughts were thunk. As I hoped when I began, I found what I needed to eventually write book three, and it will be amazing.

After, you know…I edit book one, rewrite book two, and sit my butt down to really write book three. Toss out all the garbage–what do you mean, I shouldn’t have written that first scene four times in a row? I had to. The first three didn’t work. Toss out the garbage, put in all the stuff I realized very late in the MS needed to go in there…later.

In the meantime, it’s back to the Dream’verse for me. Taro and Rafe are calling. 🙂

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