NaNo 2013: Day Thirteen

NaNo 2013: Day Thirteen

1852 words today. It’s no way to catch up (I don’t have enough days left to catch up by less than two hundred words a day!) but at least I’m not falling another day behind. And the farther I get from the beginning, I expect the easier it will get to be. I’m pretty sure that’s how my books usually go.

I really hope that’s how this book is going to go. Just write, write, write, till I have a flipping clue where it’s going, then end it. Or something.

Vaguely possible I’m already beyond coherent thought.

So yeah. Words. And now I shall fall over. Good night, dear peoples.

“Hiro…” Eshan sat up to put a hand in Hiro’s hair. He tilted Hiro’s head back again, peering into his eyes. “I do not understand,” he muttered. “How can this be?” Hiro fought a shiver, remembering how he’d been so sure that all he had to do was to get to Eshan. Once he’d found his master, everything would be fine.

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