Each One is Worth a Thousand Words!

So last week was a busy one, what with the end of the school year and my kid’s promotion and my story deadline and all.

Saturday was the deadline. Sunday Adventure Friend and I took  my roommate and headed up the mountain as we love to do. It was so peaceful with no one under twenty in the group!

This week I’m scrambling, trying to catch up on all the stuff I let slide due to my school, my work, my deadline, my sanity…

Anyway. In lieu of actual thought, please accept some pictorial offerings. 😀

(Sorry about the speed of the slide show–it doesn’t seem to let me set the pace anymore. 🙁  )



4 thoughts on “Each One is Worth a Thousand Words!”

  1. The kid is so tall! I hadn’t realized. Great adventuring pics. And clearly the cats realize Skidoo is no threat. Even though it looks like he might be considering a snack. *glomps*

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