
Luc’s dad dropped a bombshell on him today.  And on me.  And I love it.

I don’t want to hear about how I should have seen it coming, that is not how I write and y’all can deal with it.  I like surprises from my characters.  A very wise person (okay, it was BJ, but I’m sure it’s not original) once told me if I don’t feel it, how can I expect my readers to?

Yep.  And just in case you were wondering, it’s great to have people who know who I’m talking about when I IM that so-and-so just got hurt and I’m really upset.  BJ doesn’t tell me to call 911, and she doesn’t laugh at me, either.  She sympathizes.  Which is what I need her to do.  And now I’ve got Bly, too.  She’s almost caught up, she’s read nearly all my MS, so she knows nearly all my characters.

Hurray!  Except she’s mad at me, I told her what’s going to happen to Luc.  *sigh*

25,289 is the total today, so about 1700 words.

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