The Alpaca Menace

Just a quick update on the latest incursion of the fluffy scourge…

You don’t remember? Right here, my friends. That wild rant is the delusional fifth column at work, undermining all who would live free of alpaca tyranny. Here is the truth, the many advantages of the landsquid.

Now that you are up to date…look what I found on the internet!

llama letters

Resist. RESIST! Llamas are a GATEWAY for the alpacas!

"They are coming..." spelled out in a font of line-drawn llamas

4 thoughts on “The Alpaca Menace”

  1. Pingback: Stumbling Over Chaos :: That week when linkity was a little sparse

  2. Pingback: See? SEE? But No One Listened… | Escapist Ramblings

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