Belated Lake Post

Last Friday–no, Friday before last, now–we went to Patagonia Lake for our Adventure week.

From 2012-06-29

This is my kid, sitting in the first natural body of water she’s ever gotten to swim in. The date under the picture is a link to the rest of the album if you want to click through.

In short it was amazing and marvelous fun and we’ll hopefully be doing that again soon. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Belated Lake Post”

  1. thank you! I tell her all the time she’s beautiful. I’m happy to say most of the time, she answers with something like “I know.” 😉

  2. Great pic! And now I want to drag both of you to all the lakes and rivers I know that you can wade and/or swim in. (Hint: that’s a LOT) Someday. Someday.

  3. OMG she’s all grown up!

    Sympathies on the funny-shaped owies. I always manage to miss a spot somewhere, and then the next time I remember that one and forget someplace else…rinse and repeat.

  4. @Bea–I’ll look forward to that!

    @Siri–I know! It’s terriying. Also, yes. Always miss spots. >.<

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